The internal conflict between past and present, memory and forgetfulness is the focus of my works deal with, as well as what lies in-between. They stem from an attempt to reflect the continuous tension and the blurring of boundaries between everything hidden in the soul and that which is revealed within it: the doubt, the pain and the sorrow that must be covered and concealed, a struggle that is always destined to fail. My autobiographical background is present in the creative process and the images depicted in my works. My roots are firmly planted in ultra-orthodox (Haredi) family traditions, which, to this day, maintains and preserves its values with determination and devotion. As the daughter of Holocaust survivors who hid their hardships and history from their children and due to my personal struggle with movement and the lack of it that accompanies me throughout my life, concealment and silence have become driving parts of both my personality and in my works. Crossing the lines from the ultra-orthodox world for the benefit of creativity allowed me to reinvent myself and position myself firmly in the world. My day-to-day dealings with situations of ability versus inability is reflected through the implementation of the medium of drawing, both in the choice of materials and the interaction between line, color, texture, and space. These connections are tested afresh every time in my work, with countless possibilities embodied by curved or straight line, a distinctive or a blurred mark, and an almost obsessive use of copying, duplicating, and cloning techniques. In the drawings, I search for the space between two lines or two planes. The space, which functions as a foothold, is subject to change: it becomes narrower or wider, depending on the life experiences that shape the inner-personal space. To me the creative process is one of research where, through the graphical elements, I explore questions of boundaries, distance, forms and compositions. Construction of a drawing space can be likened to building a space in life itself: creation of a space from nothing. Working with lines is an integral part of my artistic work and is the result of many years of professional draftsmanship, which requires maximum precision and allows no errors. From drafting, I moved on to drawing on art paper, architectural paper, transparencies and cardboard. Today, I combine a variety of textures in many different ways: sketching with a ball point pen, layers of paper cuttings, staples, Plexiglas, charcoal powder and stone blast. All of these constitute a partial screen between hidden substance and the world: these are methods that seek to blur and cover that which can be seen. Zila Friedman

A Juried Exhibition of Art
"Art Ability" Malvern, Pa
Janoary , 2008
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Strata of Memory, Israeli Artists "Second Generation" of the Holocaust Thursday, Artists House, Tel-Aviv, January 2008
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'Prayer beads', Artists House, Tel-Aviv, March 2008
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Zum 60,Jhrestag der Grundung des Staates Israel, Movement, Drissien Galerie, 8. Mai 2008 , Munchen
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The Palm Tree in Israeli Art
D.SH.Danon Gallery, in collaboration
with the Tel Aviv Artists' House,
September 2008
Heshbon Nefesh ,hT. High Touch, Hertzlia,Israel
March 2009
A Night in Town,Art workshop
Ramat Eliahu,Rishon Le Tzion
Israel, March 2009
Elem's a way no way event. N.Y. November 2009
Engaging with God, Art gallery at
the memorial center, Tivon,
Group Exhibition
July 2010
Playing with Fire,
The Urban Gallery of Art
Smilansky Culture Center, Rehovot
March April 2011
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Power Line, Binyamin Gallery, Tel Aviv,Group Exhibition
October 2011
Not For Sale
From Oded Shatil's Art collection,
Kiryat Tivon
2012 January
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BuySomething, P-8 Gallery , Tel-Aviv ,Group Exhibition
May 2012
Literary conversations , Artists House, Tel-Aviv,Group Exhibition
6 September 2012
Gerstein Gallery, Tel Aviv,
Group Exhibition
April 2013
Avney Safa, Rishon le Tzion Gallery,Group Exhibition
25 January 2014
Earth, After Gallery, Malot Tarshicha,Group Exhibition
16 April 2014
Depths, Museum Aocashy, Akko,
Group Exhibition,Curator Rachel Zemer, January 2015
And She said and she said, Artist House, Tel-Aviv, 2016
Momentof delight, Artist House, Tel-Aviv, 2017
100 year of Duchan, janco-dada Museum, Ein-Ho, Curator: Raia Somer, 2017
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"In spite of all, we still survive", Shoah Cellar Museum, Budapest, 2017
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First offrings II, City Gallery Kfar Saba, Curator: Meira Perry- LeHmann
2019, June
Fist Person. Second Nature, Tel-Aviv Biannle of craft & Design, Muza, eretz israel Museum, 2020
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